Vlerat Tona


OUR VALUESAlca in its professional ethics is characterized by some essential values. TRUST AMBITIONINNOVATIONPEOPLESUSTAINBILITY We always lookfor new waysto solve problems. We places huge valueon ethical andenvironmental practices. Together with our teamwe canachieve more. Strive for excellenceand continuousimprovement. The key essence ofteamworkis mutual trust.
Ne dallojmë te njerëzit ciësitë parësore dhe jemi të përkushtuar të rrisim vazhdimisht aftësitë dhe kompetencat e secilit person.
OUR VALUESAlca in its professional ethics is characterized by some essential values. TRUST AMBITIONINNOVATIONPEOPLESUSTAINBILITY We always lookfor new waysto solve problems. We places huge valueon ethical andenvironmental practices. Together with our teamwe canachieve more. Strive for excellenceand continuousimprovement. The key essence ofteamworkis mutual trust.
Ne garantojmë suksesin afatgjatë të kompanisë duke ruajtur burimet natyrore nga të cilat varen gjeneratat e tanishme dhe të ardhshme.
OUR VALUESAlca in its professional ethics is characterized by some essential values. TRUST AMBITIONINNOVATIONPEOPLESUSTAINBILITY We always lookfor new waysto solve problems. We places huge valueon ethical andenvironmental practices. Together with our teamwe canachieve more. Strive for excellenceand continuousimprovement. The key essence ofteamworkis mutual trust.
Besimi është baza për gjithçka që ne bëjmë dhe kushti paraprak për suksesin tonë.
OUR VALUESAlca in its professional ethics is characterized by some essential values. TRUST AMBITIONINNOVATIONPEOPLESUSTAINBILITY We always lookfor new waysto solve problems. We places huge valueon ethical andenvironmental practices. Together with our teamwe canachieve more. Strive for excellenceand continuousimprovement. The key essence ofteamworkis mutual trust.
Ne synojmë drejt inovacionit të vazhdueshëm teknologjik të produkteve dhe metodave të punës.