Alca è nata nel 2001 come azienda operante nel settore degli involucri per edifici ed è cresciuta negli anni grazie all’impegno e alla dedizione delle persone che ne fanno parte, insieme alla costante innovazione degli impianti produttivi. Partnership strategiche e progetti di riferimento con architetti di fama internazionale, testimoniano la nostra evoluzione.


OUR VALUESAlca in its professional ethics is characterized by some essential values. TRUST AMBITIONINNOVATIONPEOPLESUSTAINBILITY We always lookfor new waysto solve problems. We places huge valueon ethical andenvironmental practices. Together with our teamwe canachieve more. Strive for excellenceand continuousimprovement. The key essence ofteamworkis mutual trust.
Riconosciamo nelle persone un asset primario e ci impegniamo a valorizzare continuamente le capacità e le competenze di ciascuno.
OUR VALUESAlca in its professional ethics is characterized by some essential values. TRUST AMBITIONINNOVATIONPEOPLESUSTAINBILITY We always lookfor new waysto solve problems. We places huge valueon ethical andenvironmental practices. Together with our teamwe canachieve more. Strive for excellenceand continuousimprovement. The key essence ofteamworkis mutual trust.
Garantiamo il successo a lungo termine dell'azienda, preservando le risorse naturali da cui dipendono le generazioni attuali e future.
OUR VALUESAlca in its professional ethics is characterized by some essential values. TRUST AMBITIONINNOVATIONPEOPLESUSTAINBILITY We always lookfor new waysto solve problems. We places huge valueon ethical andenvironmental practices. Together with our teamwe canachieve more. Strive for excellenceand continuousimprovement. The key essence ofteamworkis mutual trust.
La fiducia sta alla base di tutto ciò che facciamo e il presupposto per il nostro successo.
OUR VALUESAlca in its professional ethics is characterized by some essential values. TRUST AMBITIONINNOVATIONPEOPLESUSTAINBILITY We always lookfor new waysto solve problems. We places huge valueon ethical andenvironmental practices. Together with our teamwe canachieve more. Strive for excellenceand continuousimprovement. The key essence ofteamworkis mutual trust.
Siamo orientati verso la continua innovazione tecnologica dei prodotti e dei metodi di lavori.


Partendo dall'approvvigionamento di materie prime di altissima qualità, i nostri processi sono focalizzati sulla progettazione, produzione e posa in opera di soluzioni complesse con un alto grado di personalizzazione. L'utilizzo di una linea di macchinari e software all'avanguardia, unito ad un'elevata specializzazione tecnica del nostro team, ci permette di garantire un elevato grado di gestione delle attività di costruzione, rispettando scadenze e singoli requisiti progettuali.

OUR VALUESAlca in its professional ethics is characterized by some essential values. TRUST AMBITIONINNOVATIONPEOPLESUSTAINBILITY We always lookfor new waysto solve problems. We places huge valueon ethical andenvironmental practices. Together with our teamwe canachieve more. Strive for excellenceand continuousimprovement. The key essence ofteamworkis mutual trust.
Prodotti di alta qualità Impatto visivo Adattabilità
OUR VALUESAlca in its professional ethics is characterized by some essential values. TRUST AMBITIONINNOVATIONPEOPLESUSTAINBILITY We always lookfor new waysto solve problems. We places huge valueon ethical andenvironmental practices. Together with our teamwe canachieve more. Strive for excellenceand continuousimprovement. The key essence ofteamworkis mutual trust.
Sistema di design Analisi della struttura Analisi termica Modelli di Mock-up
OUR VALUESAlca in its professional ethics is characterized by some essential values. TRUST AMBITIONINNOVATIONPEOPLESUSTAINBILITY We always lookfor new waysto solve problems. We places huge valueon ethical andenvironmental practices. Together with our teamwe canachieve more. Strive for excellenceand continuousimprovement. The key essence ofteamworkis mutual trust.
Impianto di fabbricazione Controllo di qualità Montaggio Macchine
OUR VALUESAlca in its professional ethics is characterized by some essential values. TRUST AMBITIONINNOVATIONPEOPLESUSTAINBILITY We always lookfor new waysto solve problems. We places huge valueon ethical andenvironmental practices. Together with our teamwe canachieve more. Strive for excellenceand continuousimprovement. The key essence ofteamworkis mutual trust.
Tempi e costi di costruzione
OUR VALUESAlca in its professional ethics is characterized by some essential values. TRUST AMBITIONINNOVATIONPEOPLESUSTAINBILITY We always lookfor new waysto solve problems. We places huge valueon ethical andenvironmental practices. Together with our teamwe canachieve more. Strive for excellenceand continuousimprovement. The key essence ofteamworkis mutual trust.
Trasporti Servizi di cantiere e installazione Sicurezza